The 40 series cutter may be equipped with a tension additive option. The Integral Tension Device (ITD) shown on the left, mounts directly to the cutter. Tension is applied with the increased pneumatic pressure applied to two rubber covered rolls. As pressure increases, the rolling resistance of the system increases applying more tension to the passing tow band. Click here to see tension stands.
The Mk4 tension stand is a Tension Additive Stand. It is available in two versions. The basic Mk4 Tension Stand uses two rubber covered rolls to apply tension to the passing tow. As pneumatic pressure forces the rolls together the rolling resistance increases and is transferred to the tow band. An optional brake is available to increase the tension, critical when cutting very short staple.. The Braked Mk4 Tension Stand can develop tension up to 250lbf [1.1kN]. Click here to see tension stands..
The 310 Series Tension Stand is available in two models. They appear the same but are dramatically different in operation. In both models the tension to the cutter is sensed and regulated to maintain a set amount of tension. The Brake Controlled Tension Stand uses a double-disc brake to apply tension to the tow. A dancer senses the tension and regulates the brake pressure. Tension up to 250lbf [1.1kN] is standard. The 310HT Series Brake Controlled Tension Stand can safely produce tension up to 750lbf.[3.3kN]. Click here to see tension stands.
The 310 Series Motor Controlled Tension Stand utilizes sophisticated electronics to employ a regenerative motor system in applying the braking force. The motor can operate as a brake. When electrically coupled to the cutter, motor the braking energy is shared to reduce cutter electrical requirements. This stand is also recommended when the incoming tension is higher than the required tension to the cutter. A dancer senses the tension and regulates the braking force required. Tensions up to 750lbf [3.3kN] are available. Click here to see tension stands..